In order to evaluate the eposters, the author who will present the paper must register for the congress.
Abstract submission should be made between 10.07.2023 and 14.08.2023. Papers sent after this date will not be accepted.
Research and review studies are welcomed as poster presentation
Eposters provide viewers high-quality resolution of images and text. Like traditional posters, virtual posters provide a concise snapshot of your work, but instead of a physical poster pinned to a board, virtual posters are a single slide presentation which is viewed on a computer.
Your poster needs to tell a story by itself as you will not be present at your poster or available for a chat with online participants the entire congress. Participants might visit the poster area at other times or browse through the ePosters. The most effective poster is a concise one, i.e. include only essential data and text. Do not duplicate your abstract on the poster, but do display your conclusions clearly.
Prepare your eposter as an electronic version replicating what a physical poster would look like.
A eposter is basically a visual expression of a scientific idea. ePosters should have eyecatching yet simple drawings, diagrams, graphs and/or photographs with a clean and attractive layout.
Each (e)poster must have a top banner indicating poster number, the title of the abstract, the names of the authors and their affiliations.
ePoster (A4) must be created in portrait (one page only) and uploaded in PDF.
No hyperlinks, animated images, animatio, slide transitions or embedded video are permitted.
Poster presentations should be prepared in English (Corresponding authors can write reminder notes on the presentations on their own language).
We recommend using PowerPoint to prepare your eposter. Your eposter should be created on a single slide (one slide only).
There is no required eposter size.
A brief but clearly worded “Introduction” as well as “Summary and Conclusions” are key features for understanding the data presented.
Text and legends for figures should be short. Make sure to use large, clear, easy-to-read print for text and legends.
The use of color adds emphasis and draws interest to the presentation.